What To Look For When Choosing A Childcare Provider
Local choices include family childcare, center-based childcare, parent co-ops and public schools. There are many licensed providers in Falmouth and Mashpee, for the most up-to-date list visit Early Education & Care (EEC). Visiting several programs can help in the decision making process. Ask as many questions as you need to, to ensure a good fit.
Things to keep in mind when choosing a provider:
While your child is enrolled in a program, it is essential to communicate with the provider. Let them know how your child is doing at home and if you have any questions or concerns, be sure to address them immediately. Early Education and Care (EEC) Childcare Provider Directory
Falmouth and Mashpee Falmouth Center-Based Programs
Falmouth Public Schools-Integrated Preschool Program Public School Preschool Program at East Falmouth Elementry Phone: 508-548-0220 x7191 Email Jamie Rapoza, Early Learning Coach www.Falmouth.K12.ma.us (View flyer in English and Portuguese here)
Falmouth Public Schools-Falmouth High School Preschool Falmouth High School 874 Gifford Street Ext., Falmouth, MA 02540 Phone: 508-540-2200 Ext. 3046
Falmouth School Age Center Contact YMCA Cape Cod Phone: 774-212-7276 www.ymcaCapeCod.org/programs/ChildCare/SchoolAge
Friendship Garden Nursery School 460 Locustfield Road East Falmouth 02536 Phone: 508-540-6394 Email Friendship Garden www.FGNSinc.com
Little Kids, Inc. P.O. Box 334 / 590 N. Falmouth Highway, N. Falmouth 02556 Phone: 508-563-7236 Email Tammy Inman
Little Milestones Childcare Center 805 Teaticket Highway, East Falmouth 02536 Phone: 508-388-7802 Email Little Milestones www.LittleMilestonesFalmouth.com
Magic Years 222 Trotting Park Road, East Falmouth 02536 Phone: 508-548-7255 Email Magic Years Facebook: @Magic Years Daycare
West Falmouth Preschool P.O. Box 115 / 28 Blacksmith Shop Road West, Falmouth 02574 Phone: 508-540-2957 Email West Falmouth Preschool www.WestFalmouthPreschool.org
Woods Hole Child Center P.O. Box 504 / 93 Harbor Hill Road, Woods Hole 02543 Phone: 508-548-1773 Email Woods Hole Child Center www.WoodsHoleChildCenter.org
Woods Hole Day Care Cooperative 24 School Street, Woods Hole 02543 Phone: 508-548-9473 Email Woods Hole Day Care Cooperative www.WoodsHoleDayCareCoop.com
YMCA Falmouth Hospital Campus Early Education Center 67B Ter Heun Dr, Falmouth 02540 Phone: 508-362-6500 x1505 www.ymcaCapeCod.org/programs/ChildCare/EarlyEducation
North Falmouth YMCA Early Childhood Center 155 Old Main Rd., North Falmouth 02556 Phone: 508-362-6500 x1605 www.ymcaCapeCod.org/programs/ChildCare/SchoolAge/North-Falmouth
Licensed Family Childcare Programs in Falmouth East Falmouth
Mashpee Center-Based Programs Universal PreK Program K. C. Coombs School 152 Old Barnstable Rd. www.KCC.mpspk12.org/PreKandK Phone: 508-539-1550 x5108 A program for students entering kindergarten the following year (4 years old before August 31) at no cost to families living in Mashpee. Open Monday through Friday 9:05am to 2:45pm. Bussing not provided. Mashpee Integrated Preschool K. C. Coombs School 152 Old Barnstable Rd. www.KCC.mpspk12.org/PreKandK Phone: 508-539-1550 x5108 A program bringing typically-developing 3 year old students and students with special needs together at no cost to families. If registrations exceeds available slots, a lottery will be held. 2-day, 3-day and 4-day options available. Bussing not provided. Boys and Girls Club 31 Frank E. Hicks Dr. www.BoysGirlsClubCapeCod.org Email Boys and Girls Club [email protected] Phone: 508-477-8845 Before and/or after care programs for grades 1-8 open 7:30am to 8:50am; 3:00pm to 6:00pm. First Verse Preschool Steeple Street Academy 40 Steeple Street, Mashpee, MA 02649 www.SteepleStreetMusic.com/preschool Email First Verse Preschool Phone: 508-681-8422 Full-day (8am-5pm) or half-day (8am-noon) year-round program serving children 15 months to 6 years. Kids Klub Preschool & Childcare 501 Great Neck Rd. Mashpee, MA 02649 www.MashpeeMA.gov/mashpee-recreation-department/pages/kids-klub-preschool-childcare Email Kids Club Preschool Phone: 508-539-9361 Full-day, year round program serving toddlers (15 months - 2.9 years) and preschoolers (2.9 to 6 years) from 7:00am to 5:30pm. Mashpee Creative Children’s Center 133 Shell Back Pl., Mashpee, MA 02649 www.MashpeeCreative.com Email Mashpee Creative Children's Center Phone: 508-477-6355 Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten programs serving children ages 2.9 to 7 years from 9:00am to 1:00pm with 2-day to 5-day options. Additional options include an Academic Enrichment program from 1:00 to 3:00pm and a Summer Preschool Program. Licensed Family Childcare Programs in Mashpee
Additional Childcare Resources Child Care Network (CCN) www.cacci.cc Phone: 508-778-9470 Cape Cod's free resource and referral services help families identify and access high quality, affordable early education and out-of-school time programs. Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) Licensed Child Care Search www.EEClead.force.com/EEC_ChildCareSearch A geographically-searchable online directory of licensed child care programs across the state. If a Cape & Islands program you are researching does not appear in your search results, you may call EEC Region 5 Office in Taunton (508-828-5025) to confirm whether the program is licensed by EEC. EEC can provide information about restrictions on a license, non-compliance citations, and sanctions. Early Intervention Services www.KDC.org/Early-Intervention Phone: 508-418-5540 Serves children birth to 3 years old who have developmental delay or disabilities, or who are at risk for developmental concerns. All families are entitled to a developmental evaluation to determine eligibility which is billed to insurance or the Department of Public Health, with no cost to the family. |